Genealogy, Local History, Winston-Salem

From Salem Square to Dealey Plaza to Belo Garden…

Everything is connected. The Salem Moravians knew that. That is why their annual review of events began, not in Salem, but on the world stage, moving ever narrower from Europe to the United States to North Carolina and finally to their beloved home. The protest in Dallas that was interrupted by the murder of five… Continue reading From Salem Square to Dealey Plaza to Belo Garden…

Genealogy, Local History

1st Archivist of the United States…

I'm working on a more extensive post about social life in Winston at the turn of the 20th century, but could not resist leaking this wonderful bit. The children of the first wave of tobacco and textile millionaires in Winston-Salem grew up in the Victorian era, when some inhibited folks were inspired to put skirts… Continue reading 1st Archivist of the United States…