Local History, Winston-Salem

The TRUE history of Bowman Gray Stadium…the first three decades…

As always, click the pics for larger size...not always available. At the height of the Great Depression, the Works Progress Administration did much to relieve the worst of the suffering for working people. It also provided many communities with much needed public amenities, some of which would have a long term effect for the citizens.… Continue reading The TRUE history of Bowman Gray Stadium…the first three decades…

Local History

How the Camel got its hump…

In a 1950 Winston-Salem Journal article, Chester Davis explained how a determined young man named Roy Haberkern gave RJR's Camel it's hump. Click the image for a readable version: Roy C. Haberkern Old Joe immortalized. The pack is little changed today...the pyramids have been moved slightly and the type modernized

Local History, Our Treasures

The Camels are coming…

We have a thing called the "vertical file", a vast collection of newspaper clippings and other oddments that has grown out of control during the last half century to the point that it is difficult to find what you are looking for in its many file drawers and folders. Our stupendous page Janice Safewright has… Continue reading The Camels are coming…

Local History, Uncategorized

Take me out to the ballgame…

Click the arrow to see and hear the iconic song, "Take Me Out To The Ballgame", written and recorded in 1908, the founding year of the Winston-Salem Twins baseball team. It would be nice to be able to make a simple post about a simple subject. This one started out to be such a post,… Continue reading Take me out to the ballgame…

Events, Local History, Photograph Collection

Winston + Salem + La France = Fire Protection…

A parade always generates rhythms of its own. As each unit passes, the spectator's interest level rises and falls. A few weeks ago, the City of Winston-Salem, with a lot of help from the Jaycees, put on a parade to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the consolidation of the town of Salem and the city… Continue reading Winston + Salem + La France = Fire Protection…

Events, Local History

Buffalo Bill’s Wild West…

100 years ago, on May 30, 1913, Buffalo Bill's Wild West finally came to Winston-Salem. The video above is a compilation filmed by Thomas Edison in 1902 of the pre-show parade, Annie Oakley in action, a couple of American Indian dances and and a "Bucking Broncho", all available at the Library of Congress website. Click… Continue reading Buffalo Bill’s Wild West…

Events, Great Links & Resources, Local History

The Consolidation Club…

100 years ago, the young women of Salem Academy & College helped celebrate the joining of the cities of Salem and Winston. Seven young Winston women, left, seven young Salem women, right, and Mary Pell, not from Salem or Winston, as the hyphen. Clever girls! They also apparently had some backward seniors. Images from digitalnc.org… Continue reading The Consolidation Club…

Events, Local History, New Acquisitions

A Centennial Book…

As anyone who does a lot of historical research knows, some of the best stuff comes through serendipity. Recently, while looking for something else, I came upon a reference to a book that intrigued me. We didn't have it in our collection, but I found a copy available at Abe Books, so ordered it. Here… Continue reading A Centennial Book…