Genealogy, Local History

From Lonely Street to Studio 50…

Poster for the Elvis Presley movie "Kid Galahad" at the long closed Broadway Theater in Reidsville, NC   Everyone knows people who were at Woodstock, whether they really were or not. They say that if everyone who says they were at Woodstock had actually been there, New York state would have sunken into the ground.… Continue reading From Lonely Street to Studio 50…

Genealogy, Local History

Down at the end of lonely street…

Three of the most important events in history occurred just 50 years apart in the 20th century.* In 1905, a young scientist living in Paris published "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies", thus creating the revolutionary concept of "special relativity". Eleven years later, he would expand that concept to "general relativity", E=mc². Two years later,… Continue reading Down at the end of lonely street…