Genealogy, Local History

1st Archivist of the United States…

I'm working on a more extensive post about social life in Winston at the turn of the 20th century, but could not resist leaking this wonderful bit. The children of the first wave of tobacco and textile millionaires in Winston-Salem grew up in the Victorian era, when some inhibited folks were inspired to put skirts… Continue reading 1st Archivist of the United States…

Events, Genealogy, Local History, Photograph Collection

New Neighbors…

(ArchSTUDIO7/Commercial Realty Advisors) The Central Library is about to get a new neighbor. A few weeks ago, the Winston-Salem Journal announced what many of us already knew, that a five story office building would be erected on the south side of the old Modern Chevrolet truck sales lot on the block bounded by Fourth, Broad,… Continue reading New Neighbors…